Sunday, January 10, 2010

December memories

This picture was actually taken the day after Thanksgiving, but
this day definitely kicked off the holiday season.

Heres Izzy helpin mom put the tree up. He was very uninterested in the tree and wanted the pretty ornaments. This year I bought extra because I knew a few would be coming down thanks to my little monster.

Goodwood's Christmas party '09

In our house Christmas always comes early.
Heres Izzy opening presents a few days before christmas.

Here's the boys playing in the new club house on Christmas eve.

This is how the night ended. Merry Christmas

                       And in the morning we woke up in our new jammies and opened gifts.

This year we were very blessed to be a family and to be able to spend it together.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Izzy's First Halloween

So October '09 marks Israel's first Halloween. Her are a few pics taken through out October. He didn't officially have a costume, but he was my little skeleton and the pictures taken in the pumpkin patch were turned into a Holiday cards and sent to grandparents.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our first family trip to Calfornia

After much needed family time Manny and I decided to take to trip to Sacramento California. Why Sacramento you ask? Well because we have a friend there, and who wants to go to a city where you know nobody and have to stay in a hotel for a week? Not us!

The trip started at the SLC airport. Mind you this was only my second time being on a plane so even though i had a smile on my face I was a bit nervous. All I could see was clips of the move Alive that I had watched in High School where lights were flickering and doors flying off. After take off all was well and I became more and more excited.

On our first day we decided to go to downtown Sacrament and try and see the Governator. It was Friday so he was out that day but the capitol was nice either way.

Then we went to Old Sacramento. I loved this place. Horse and carriages, souvenir shops that were willing to wheel and deal, yummy food and palm readers. Yes I said palm readers. Manny had his palm read and she told him that he'd have five kids and someday own his own business. then for half the price (cause I had to at least try and negotiate) he and I talked. She had some interesting incite. She had known I had taken some sort of nursing classes, but knew my heart wasn't into it. true. Knew that I'm good at my job now, but its the people that irritate me. true. And also that Manny and I had been together for a very long time, but there was someone or something that kept us apart for a while. true too! Manny didn't believe her her I thought it was a $5 well spent.

Day two was the day of the birthday party. Manny's friend that we went to visit had his family over for his mothers 65Th birthday. it was tons of fun. Lots of food and great music.

The last day was spent just hanging out. We did hit up a farmers market. I bought this purse for only $20 and the ironic part is that They had the SAME purse in Old Sacrament for $65! what a bargain.

We had a blast and cant wait to take another trip somewhere new.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

times a changing

Today was a sad day. Izzy is now 8 months and i had to clear out 2 drawrs full of his clothes. So sad. Just one more reminder of how fast he's growing. And now thats its cold he need all new clothes.

Double dutie

Johnny jumpers work great as swings!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bubba's First Trip to El Paso, TX

Here we are packing the night before his first palne ride.

He was having a good time with that zipper.

They stoped at the world's largest Barnett Harley store in El, Paso.

Manny bought me an awsome shirt and a pin for my vest. This picture is Izzy with his "who's your Daddy?" Harley shirt.

Before the boys left Manny kept teasing me that Israel was going to start

crawling while they were there, and that I'd miss it. Heres some video.

He didnt really start untell after he was back home :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Time

Baby Izzy with Grandma

His first waffel. I was very messy but it entertained him for a while.

Me and my Dad

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 1

Here are some picture taken on our adventure through the canyons and Uninta Forest.

It started out fun and all,but then it got hot, long, and HOT. I mas more then ready to go home after we had eaten. I am glad though at we sontinued on and drove up into the mountains.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

So Excited!!!

My Mom AND Dad are here together for the first time. I'm super happy. My Dad hasn't been here for about four years; when we were just barley moving into our home. They also drove the motorcycle the whole way! What a looong ride.This will be a great week I can feel it already. Pictures to come...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

official logo of the American Cancer Society R...Image via Wikipedia

We did it! Relay for Life is done... for this year at least. It was a wee bit crazy to say the least. It started off great us girls (Nicole, Ashley, Sonya, and myself) got together and gathered all of our goods excited to get this 25 hour event started. We were going to sell glow sticks, raffle tickets, and pictures with Michel Jackson.

With all donations going to the American Cancer Society. So at six o'clock we were geared up and ready to rock and roll. After a few strolls around the track it begins to get a bit windy.

Then the lightning and thunder starts. And one point three of us girls are standing at each pole of our canopy trying to keep it from flying away. All the sudden it starts pouring! It was one of he craziest storms I've seen in a while. here are a few pictures captured my Nicole while trying to hold down the fort.

As soon as we can get our thoughts together we decide we better pack up and come back in the morning. Keep in mind at Relay we're supposed to be walking around the track all 24 hours. Once we've finally gathered all of our stuff we're all completely drenched. We looked like wet, miserable dogs. To make matters worse I still had to go to work and close the store. I was freezing! Ashley and I went back in the morning at eight, sold a few more items and basked in the hot sun for a few hours. All in all we raised an additional $50, broke one canopy, broke a camera that was already on a its last leg, and almost broke a new cell phone. I'm determined to make next year bigger and better!

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Sunday, June 28, 2009

This is what happens when Dad feeds him

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


After much consideration, I decided to get bangs. So as I walked into the salon instead of asking for the usual trim I pointed to a picture and said "I want that hair cut". I had seen it before when i was in getting my nails done and couldn't stop thinking about it since.

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Baby at 4 1/2 months

Israel is now starting to eat rice ceral and fruits. He's also getting more and more active. He managed to squrm his way out of the chair. Here he is tryin to get away.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wendover '09

We survived Wendover '09! I was as great trip this year. The weather was much better than last year. And I enjoyed myself much more knowing that I was NOT pregnant.


The ride was great. Blue skies fluffy clouds and it didnt even rain untell we pulled into town.

Salt Flats

We got a great room at an even better price. Thanks to Nicole. The night mainly consisted of gambling and drinking our money away. But, whatelse is Wendover good for?

I love the $2 craps tables.